The Promised Neverland Chapter 167 Recap
The last chapter of The Promised Neverland manga was titled ‘This Way: Demons’. The chapter was awesome and breathtaking. We got to see how the children were able to outwit the mighty monsters with their precise planning. First, the kids took over the control room and toyed with monsters. They trapped the monsters in a hall as they were confused about how they ended up in there. Children have located Peter Ratri and will be heading to confront him in the upcoming chapter.
What is The Promised Neverland Chapter 168 Release Date and Where to Read?
The Promised Neverland Chapter 168 will be officially released on 21 February 2020 due to an early release this week. You can read The Promised Neverland Chapter 168 from Viz Media and Mangaplus sources.
The Promised Neverland Chapter 168 Official Spoilers
The official spoilers of The Promised Neverland Chapter 168 are yet to be leaked but that is not going to stop us from making the predictions that you all are waiting. Now, that the location of Peter Ratri is known to kids, they’ll go pay him a visit. This by no means is going to be the end of Peter Ratri as he is a mastermind. He will have something up his sleeve to surprise the kids and the fans of The Promised Neverland manga. Let us see who will prevail in The Promised Neverland Chapter 168, the children or will Peter Ratri tale them by surprise. The Promised Neverland Synopsis: Three young kids Emma, Ray and Norman live peacefully in an orphanage where there is no contact with the outside world. One day Emma witnesses what happens to children when they leave the orphanage, they are devoured by demons and the orphanage is just a human farm. So, the three decide to escape from the clutches of demons and humans who help them. Then follows a really intriguing story of how these three children become the hope for the human race to live again free from demons.