Let’s get to it.
Use Incense in an unused area
Use Incense in an area with no Poke Stops, Gyms, or spotted Pokemon Around. If you do this correctly if you walk around you should find Pikachu randomly as the system will generate a Random Pokemon instead of the common Pokemon on that are normally on your screen. And yes this method works for every Pokemon. (This could take forever )
Choose Pikachu as your Starter Pokemon
Start a new game. Wait during the time they offer you starter Pokemon. Ignore them 5-6 times. Around the 6th time, Pikachu will appear as a Starter Pokemon. Though, if you’re further in the game, this won’t really matter.
Hatch Pikachu from an Egg
Hatch a 2 Km egg and search for a Pikachu, Now this method is most recommended because of the mass amount of Pikachu Candy. You get to power up Pikachu, and you’ll also get it at a decent CP level. If this guide helped you please let me know in the comment section and be sure like our Pokemon Go Fan Page!