In reality, The Underground Railroad was a network of hidden routes that allowed nearly 1000 African-Americans a year to make their escape from Plantations. This escape route was created by abolitionists who aimed to abolish slavery from the United States. And these routes were never really underground but rather routes filled with safe houses that allowed one to hide. The show in itself is set in an alternate universe where the Underground Railroad is an actual railroad filled with engineers, conductors, tracks, and tunnels. Here, we follow the 16-year old Cora Randall, played by Thuso Mbedu, who escapes a plantation in Georgia. She is tagged along by the newcomer, Caesar, both of them who discover that the Underground Railroad wasn’t a metaphor. It is an actual subterranean train to freedom that would allow them to escape the antebellum South.
Where to Watch The Underground Railroad?
Who are in the Cast of The Underground Railroad?
The cast of The Underground Railroad is led by Thuso Mbedu as Cora Randall. Cora is a 16-year old girl looking to be free, She is be joined by the Great Gatsby’s Joel Edgarton as Ridgeway. Ridgeway is a bounty hunter looking to bring back Cora to the plantation. Then we have Krypton’s Aaron Pierre as Caesar, a love interest to Cora. Cora’s mother, Mabel is be played by Shiela Atim. William Jackson Harper plays the role of Royal, a free black man looking to rescue slaves. Damon Herriman and Lily Rabe play the roles of Martin and Ethel Wells respectively. While Fred Hechinger plays the role of Young Arnold Ridgeway